The Power of Digital Memory

Digital Memories

Memories are an important part of our lives. We store memories in old letters, photographs and scrapbooks but these items are subject to decay and eventual destruction, taking our memories with them. What if I told you, you could create a lasting memory? A memory that would be able to record every detail. but what about digital memories

Film is able to bear a physical imprint of the real, and replace the gaps that couldn’t naturally be remembered. As a medium, visual cinema has the ability to stand out as a unique record of the past. Film images do ‘fix’ the past, like writing. But you may be asking, why film if you can write?

Film, like writing, can persist after all of those who produced it are long gone. However, Film stands apart from literature, with the ability to fix memory with the illusion of motion and space, conjoining sound and image. I don’t know about you, but I’m sure my pen and paper can’t do that. When people are asked why they attend movies they give common sense answers, such as to be entertained, to escape boredom, to have a break from their problems, to get new experiences or information and, sometimes, for artistic thrill. Now you can’t say that this is the reason why people read. See my point?

Film can work as a recorded creation that is able to supplement visually, and evoke emotion. The motion picture has the ability to allow you to recall exactly how you felt at that point. People are more likely to cry whilst watching a sad movie, than when reading a sad book. The assistance from the visuals allows people to ‘go back in that time’ and relive the moment.

If you’re now wishing your past major events were recorded: choose film as the better way to store memories.